My new book is out - "Love, Politics, Social Norms and Sex"
"Love, politics, social norms and sex" - what the four have in common is power. This is a book about power relations: the power relations inside friendships and romantic relationships, the power relations between employer and (potential) employee, the power relations between men and women, the power of our economic system and political landscape over our daily lives, the power the surrounding context has over our subjective perceptions of the objects in that context, and most importantly, the power that our own unconscious has over our lives.
One particular way in which we give up our power to our surrounding environment is through letting it shape our desire, without us realizing. This is one of the central questions of this book: why do you want what you (think you) want? In other words, what is the cause of your desire?Influenced by the works of Jacques Lacan, Slavoj Zizek, Sigmund Freud and many others, this book will provide a theory of how the surrounding context can shape our perception of political events, interpersonal interactions, love and sexuality. It will make the argument that a country's dating culture is influenced by its political culture. It will explore how romantic relationships have changed between feudalism and capitalism, and how our economic system has a subliminal effect upon our day-to-day lives. It will explore how the dynamics of intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict mirror the dynamics of cultures and political groups interacting together. And most importantly, it will put a huge emphasis on the way we use language in our lives, all the way to what tiny semantic details could say about our society.
"The man who is born into existence deals first with language; this is a given. He is even caught in it before his birth."
-Jacques Lacan
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